Sedation Dentistry in Eugene, Oregon

Have you put off visiting the dentist out of fear?
Is your fear of the dentist keeping you from caring for your teeth and gums?
Sedation dentistry might be the solution to your dental phobia.

Sedation Dentistry Basics

In sedation dentistry, the dentist gives you medication to help you relax during a procedure. Depending on your needs, the level of relaxation varies from a zen-like state to conscious sedation. We find that many of our Eugene patients can comfortably make it through a procedure with a mild amount of sedation.

When Sedation Dentistry Makes Sense

Using sedation dentistry is something to think seriously about, and it’s not always necessary for dental comfort. That said, we highly recommend that you consider using sedation if it makes the difference between you coming to the dentist or staying at home.

In general, the patients who benefit from a medicated helping hand include those who:

  • Experience dental anxiety
  • Have a powerful gag reflex
  • Struggle with mild levels of pain
  • Require extensive dental work
  • Suffer from TMJ disorders

Sedation will give you peace of mind in knowing that you’ll sail through any dental work.

You can relax as you enter the office knowing that you won’t feel any discomfort as you undergo your dental procedure.

Sedation Dentistry
nitrix oxide patient

Types of Sedation

Pearly Whites of Eugene believes in giving you only the amount of sedation necessary to keep you comfortable. Your safety is our most important concern. We know how and when to use the types of sedation that we offer our clients.

The most common types of sedation dentistry available include:

  • Inhaled Nitrous Oxide
  • A Halcion Pill

We will always provide you with full information regarding your options. Additionally, we encourage you to ask us any questions you have surrounding your dental appointment.

To get started, call our office or schedule a consultation today.

Contact Us Today!

Click the button below and our friendly staff will get in touch with you as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you.

622 E 22nd Ave Suite E.
Eugene, OR 97405 USA

Monday: 8am – 5pm

Tuesday: 9am – 6pm

Wednesday: 8am – 5pm

Thursday: 8am – 5pm

Friday: Closed